April, 2007
Other Interests
Married to Kristina L. Renshaw. In July, 1996, Mike and Tia met while competing against each other in one-design sail boat racing in the Thistle Class. See www.thistleclassassociation.com.
Mike and Tia have spent the first two weeks of June, 2004, in Belize as co-captains of a bare boat chartered 38' Catamaran, exploring waters between the mainland and reef.
Tia is a financial advisor and registered representative, clearing through Commonwealth Financial.
Both Mike and Tia are in excellent health and physically active. They enjoy travel, sail boat chartering, scuba diving, and computer technology. Mike has been previously State certified as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT).

2356 E. Cheryl Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85028-3614
Phone: 602.791.3364 Fax: 602.288.7730
E-mail: info@michaelyarnell.com