April, 2007
Work Experience
Current Position
Fully Retired
Immediate Prior Position
Arbitration – Mediation – Special Master
2356 E. Cheryl Dr.,
Phoenix, AZ, 85028-3614
Primary e–mail: michaelayarnell@gmail.com
Office e–mail: michael@michaelyarnell.com
Web: www.michaelyarnell.com
Other Professional Work Experience
- General Jurisdiction Trial Court Judge, Superior Court Of Arizona, In and For Maricopa County (Phoenix, Arizona) Appointed October 1, 1991 – Retired January 23, 2005
- Adjunct Professor – Judicial Education, Courts & Technology, Online Legal Education [June 2004 – July 2007] University of Canberra, Canberra, AU
- Adjunct Law Professor, Arizona State University Law School, Spring Semester, 2002.
- Myers, Barnes and Jenkins, Phoenix, Arizona
- Partner and Shareholder from March 31, 1991 until October 1, 1991
- Streich, Lang Weeks & Cardon and Streich Lang, Phoenix, Arizona
- Associate from January 1972 until January 1977
- Partner/Director from January 1977 until October 1, 1990
- Of Counsel from October 1, 1990 until March 31, 1991
- United States Army, Fort Lee, VA. and Korea
- Second and First Lieutenant, Quartermaster Corps
- June 1971 to December 1971, at Fort Lee, Virginia
- January 1972 to November 1972, in Korea
- Assigned Division Staff Judge Advocate, 2d Division
- Streich, Lang Weeks, Cardon & French, Phoenix, Arizona
- Associate from April 1971 to June 1971
- Then leave of absence for military duty

3217 East Shea Blvd., Box 487, Phoenix, AZ, 85028-3365
Phone: 602.791.3364 Fax: 602.288.7730
E-mail: info@michaelyarnell.com